
The Art of Assessment: Behind the Scenes of OSCEs and Multiple-Choice Exams

The Art of Assessment: Behind the Scenes of OSCEs and Multiple-Choice Exams

Exams in the health professions serve several important functions. This article describes how they are developed, conducted, and evaluated.

Paediatrics and Collège A Webinar:

Paediatrics and Collège A Webinar:

Two innovative training formats for paediatricians in Switzerland

Two great international conferences on medical education in Basel with IML engagement

Two great international conferences on medical education in Basel with IML engagement

In 2024, two well-established international health profession education conferences were held in Switzerland, which are also of great importance to the IML: One was the conference of the ‘Association for Medical Education in Europe’, AMEE, and the ‘4th World Summit in Competency-Based Education in Healthcare Professions’.

CAS Human Simulation

CAS Human Simulation

Das Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML) bietet einen neuen, in dieser Form einmaligen, Zertifikats-Studiengang für SP- Expertinnen und Experten im deutschsprachigen Raum an. Das neue CAS Human Simulation in Health Professions Education befähigt dazu, SP-Programme aufzubauen bzw. weiterzuentwickeln.

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IML Annual Report 2023

IML Annual Report 2023

Good teaching and assessment were the driving force also in 2023 for the IML.

FRONTLINERS: Evidence based blended learning on Precision Medicine

FRONTLINERS: Evidence based blended learning on Precision Medicine

Teaching precision medicine to primary care professionals: General Practitioners, Pharmacists, Advance practice nurses.

Digital practical exams and evaluations with Examic Valuatic

Digital practical exams and evaluations with Examic Valuatic

About 12 years after the first digitally supported OSCE exam with the Examic EOSCE software, the successor software is now available: Examic Valuatic. Why a new development was necessary, what advantages Valuatic offers and what the future of the Valuatic system looks like is described in the following article.

«Sport over lunch» - firmly established at the IML since 2022

«Sport over lunch» - firmly established at the IML since 2022

Last but not least, corona has made it clear to all of us how important health is and how physical activity has a positive influence on it.

Current vacancies

Current vacancies

The Institute for Medical Education (IML) is a centre of excellence in the field of medical education.

IML has joined the IMEX Program

IML has joined the IMEX Program

IMEX, as the name suggests, aims to facilitate international exchanges and collaborations among medical educators.

My start at the IML

My start at the IML

Although studying medicine brings with it a wide range of career opportunities, including non-clinical ones, the decision to leave clinical work presented me with a major challenge.

 Symposium 50 years of the Institute for Medical Education

Symposium 50 years of the Institute for Medical Education

Half a century of the Institute for Medical Education (IML): We have recently analysed how it was founded, what the most important events and who the key figures were. A symposium with around 120 invited guests on 7 July 2023 marked the conclusion of the project.

IML Annual Report 2022

IML Annual Report 2022

In 2022 we surfaced out of the pandemic and needed to set priorities on many tasks and routines that suffered during the exceptional circumstances the last years.

IML Annual Report 2021

IML Annual Report 2021

For the IML, as probably for the colleagues at the university in general, 2021 was a year consolidating into the new normal.

IML Annual Report 2020

IML Annual Report 2020

For the Institute for Medical Education the pandemic year 2020 brought particular challenges. Although we all have learned how to cope well in the meantime – many challenges remain.

CST videos as a valuable resource for medical students

CST videos as a valuable resource for medical students

Learning medical examination techniques forms a central element of medical training alongside cognitive knowledge. Clinical Skills Training (CST) at the University of Bern has a long tradition dating back to group teaching in the 1970s.

Building clinical competencies for tomorrow’s pharmacists

Building clinical competencies for tomorrow’s pharmacists

Two new courses co-designed and implemented by the IML, «patient-oriented pharmaceutical care» and «triage and clinical skills», prepare students in the best possible way for their future work in the pharmacy.

Compassion training for a better understanding of patients

Compassion training for a better understanding of patients

For this project, an interprofessional team designed and delivered a seminar on reintroducing compassion into medical practice, aimed at medical students in their final Master's year at the University of Bern.

Save the date: Symposium 50 years of IML

Save the date: Symposium 50 years of IML

7.7.2023: Quality in teaching for 50 years.

50th anniversary IML

50th anniversary IML

The Institute for Medical Education (IML) celebrates its 50th anniversary in the academic year 2021/22. Join us on a journey through time over five decades.

Save the date:  «Kurse in Präzisionsmedizin» für Hausärztinnen und Studierende

Save the date: «Kurse in Präzisionsmedizin» für Hausärztinnen und Studierende

Das IML bietet zwei aktuelle Kurse zur Präzisionsmedizin für Hausärzt:innen und Studierende an.

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Swiss Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine

Swiss Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine

More than 1200 prospective doctors from six faculties took the written part of the Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine electronically for the first time. The switch from paper to tablets went smoothly.

Usability and User Experience

Usability and User Experience

Two Challenging Disciplines as Drivers of Software Development

Symposium «Assessment And Professional Identity Development»

Symposium «Assessment And Professional Identity Development»

28. - 29.6.2022: There is a growing call to reframe medical education from «doing the work» towards «being a medical professional».

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Save the Date: Symposium «Vertrauensvolle Arzt:innen Patient:innen Beziehung»

Save the Date: Symposium «Vertrauensvolle Arzt:innen Patient:innen Beziehung»

14. - 15.07.2022: Wie wird der Aufbau einer vertrauensvollen Beziehung in den verschiedenen Gesundheitsprofessionen unterrichtet? Welche Elemente hiervon können auf die medizinische Aus- und Weiterbildung übertragen werden?

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 Good teaching and research go hand in hand

Good teaching and research go hand in hand

Educational research provides important building blocks to promote excellence in education. With two new, SNSF projects, each with a duration of 4 years, we are able to incorporate current themes in teaching and approach them with the necessary care and resources.

10 years of clinical skills exams with Examic EOSCE

10 years of clinical skills exams with Examic EOSCE

As a pioneer in the field of electronic OSCE assessments on tablet computers, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) started supporting clinical examinations with its own software Examic EOSCE 10 years ago.

Children as simulated patients in practical exams

Children as simulated patients in practical exams

Use of primary school children as simulated patients as part of a practical exam (OSCE) meets international criteria for good examinations.



Good communication between all stakeholders in the healthcare system can be learned.

IML-Kolloquium: Termine

IML-Kolloquium: Termine

Während der IML-Kolloquien präsentieren Expertinnen und Experten aktuelle Beiträge rund um das Thema Medical Education.

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Usability: Webbasierter Kataster-Auszug

Usability: Webbasierter Kataster-Auszug

Der dynamische Smart-Auszug könnte - als Ergänzung zum statischen Auszug - für den GIS-Laien die einfach bedienbare Variante des elektronischen Auszuges des ÖREB-Katasters werden.

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GMA-Tagung 2021

GMA-Tagung 2021

Die Konferenz findet on-line statt.

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Evidenzbasiert gute MC-Prüfungen erstellen: Das neue Handbuch

Evidenzbasiert gute MC-Prüfungen erstellen: Das neue Handbuch

Das Werk begleitet Prüfende und Ausbildende durch alle Phasen einer Multiple Choice (MC) Prüfung. Anregungen und praktische Beispiele verdeutlichen den ganzen Prozess.

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The pandemic is a chance for teaching innovation

The pandemic is a chance for teaching innovation

The pandemic uncovered a pressing need to implement digital learning and teaching in higher education more broadly. Research shows that previous implementation has progressed slowly and is not always aligned with the requirements and needs of the key players.

BiSS recognised as a «Certified Skills Lab» according to the APF standard

BiSS recognised as a «Certified Skills Lab» according to the APF standard

The Association for Medical Education GMA (Committee for Practical Skills APF) awards the Bern Interprofessional Skills and Simulation Personnel Center (BiSS), including its simulation person program, accreditation as a certified skills lab.

The challenge of holding examinations during the Covid-19 pandemic

The challenge of holding examinations during the Covid-19 pandemic

How can exams take place during the Covid-19 pandemic? As an internationally recognised competence centre, the IML has dealt with the challenges that arose suddenly.

Communication training in Corona times

Communication training in Corona times

When face-to-face classes at the University of Bern were discontinued in mid-March, several courses organized by the IML were also affected, including communication training with the simulated patients (SPs). Thanks to the University's video conferencing system, these were nevertheless still held.

Training of Contact Tracers

Training of Contact Tracers

The IML helped the Cantonal Medical Office of Bern to rapidly set up an online learning programme for contact tracers.

Successful use of peer tutors in a formative OSCE

Successful use of peer tutors in a formative OSCE

In January 2020, the Institute for Medical Education (IML), on behalf of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern, held for the first time a formative OSCE event in the third year of academic study using peer experts in the fifth year. The feedback indicates this was a great success.

IML Annual Report 2019

IML Annual Report 2019

High quality medical education is a cornerstone for the work of health professionals.

Coronavirus: Contacting the IML

Coronavirus: Contacting the IML

Digitally optimize simulation in practical tests (OSCE)

Digitally optimize simulation in practical tests (OSCE)

High quality simulation in the OSCE: Optimization with digital workflows and 3D printing.

The IML joins an international network for the work with SP

The IML joins an international network for the work with SP

Dr. med. Beate Brem has been elected as Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE).

The IML is participating in an EU project on clinical decision-making

The IML is participating in an EU project on clinical decision-making

As part of this EU project an adaptive curriculum for clinical reasoning for students and instructors is to be developed, implemented and disseminated in order to better prepare future doctors and to avoid mistakes.

The IML is committed to interprofessionalism

The IML is committed to interprofessionalism

Healthcare professionals face increasingly complex challenges. Can interprofessionalism in education address this?

Virtual reality now available in UniZiegler

Virtual reality now available in UniZiegler

As a media and technology expert, Dario Zaugg immersed himself in the topic of "virtual reality" for his thesis at the AUM. He shares his perspectives on the possible applications and considerations of this new technology in an interview.

IML Annual Report 2018

IML Annual Report 2018

Higher education institutions in general are now at the threshold of paperless teaching, learning and assessment. It is astonishing, that this shift has taken so many years, knowing that computers are a normal part of our lives since many decades. The IML has been preparing this shift intensively over the last years.

Enthusiastic medical student develops an app for CliniSurf

Enthusiastic medical student develops an app for CliniSurf

Learning program of the IML provides the impulse for a heart sounds app.

New location for the BiSS

New location for the BiSS

On behalf of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern, the IML runs the Bern Interdisciplinary Skills and Simulated Patient Centre BiSS at the new location “UniZiegler”. Thanks to the addition of a new learning centre, the UniZiegler meets the needs that arose from the creation of 100 additional study places in human medicine.

Open day at Mittelstrasse

Open day at Mittelstrasse

As part of the open day at the Uni Mittelstrasse building on the 27th October, the IML showcased itself through various presentations and activities. Young and old were able to experience medical education firsthand and were amazed by the exciting work field of the IML.

Tag der offenen Tür Uni Mittelstrasse

Tag der offenen Tür Uni Mittelstrasse

Tauchen Sie am Samstag, 27. Oktober in die medizinische Ausbildung ein und erfahren Sie mehr über moderne Medizindidaktik und Prüfungsmethodik.

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AMEE 2018: Focus on Medical Education

AMEE 2018: Focus on Medical Education

From the 25th – 29th August 2018, the IML took part in the conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) in Basel. Among the 5000 participants from 150 nations, the institute was represented both with scientific contributions and as an exhibitor.

Annual report IML 2017

Annual report IML 2017

The main task of the Institute for Medical Education is to support medical education − through services, development of methods, infrastructure, and knowledge about teaching and assessment.

The IML is moving closer to the University

The IML is moving closer to the University

From the 14th May, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) will be located in the Länggass quarter.

The future is digital

The future is digital

The IML has been training learners to become mediamaticians for over 10 years. With their finger on the pulse of medical education, these young people have a great deal to offer and can develop their professional skills in an optimal manner.

 Remembering a forgotten condition

Remembering a forgotten condition

The link between nutrition and health is undisputed – today, as in the past. Historical film material from the IML collection illustrates this with the example of endemic goiter (“cretinism”) through vivid images. The fact that the theme continues to be topical is demonstrated by an enquiry from French TV.

SAMS-Award 2017

SAMS-Award 2017

The IML once again receives the SAMS award for best practice in interprofessional teaching.

Students teach students

Students teach students

Students support their colleagues in learning to report and evaluate electrocardiograms (ECGs).

Jahresbericht IML 2016

Jahresbericht IML 2016

Das Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML) zwischen Wissensschaffung, Informationsaufbereitung und Austausch.

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MIL-Office 5

MIL-Office 5

MIL Office ist die Fachapplikation, welche vom VBS in allen Schulen und Wiederholungskursen für hunderttausende von Militärangehörigen für administrative Belange eingesetzt wird.

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Der «dynamische Smart-Auszug» ist ein webbasierter Kataster-Auszug für Desktop, Tablet und Phone, welcher für alle Kantone das gleiche Benutzerinterface zur Verfügung stellt.

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Targeted creation of exam questions – it’s better together

Targeted creation of exam questions – it’s better together

In March 2017, the new exam questions for the Federal licensing MC examination in human medicine were created, for the first time, in a two-day workshop. The quantitative output was very good. The authors’ satisfaction and the qualitative output were considerably better than in previous years, when the questions were devised individually or in smaller workshops.

True-to-life examinations through hybrid simulation

True-to-life examinations through hybrid simulation

For quality assurance of the Federal Clinical Skills Examination, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) is working on the innovative concept of hybrid simulation in cooperation with the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich, on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Interprofessional teaching with simulations and standardized patients

Interprofessional teaching with simulations and standardized patients

The conference “Standardized Patients and Simulation” (SPSim) on 16.-18.3.2017 fell under the motto “Curricular Integration of Simulation in Healthcare – from Concept to Reality”.

Research internship at the IML –  a personal experience

Research internship at the IML – a personal experience

Psychology students regularly undertake research internships at the Institute for Medical Education (IML). Simon Burkhalter reports on his own experience as an intern.

SAMW-Award 2016 für Interprofessionalität

SAMW-Award 2016 für Interprofessionalität

Am 8. Dezember 2016 verlieh die Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften in Bern den «Interprofessionalität» Award. Unter den Preisträgern befindet sich auch das Institut für Medizinische Lehre.

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SPSIM Kongress 2017 in Bern

SPSIM Kongress 2017 in Bern

5th International Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulations (SPSIM).

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Die Examic Assessment Suite Down-Under

Die Examic Assessment Suite Down-Under

Ende März 2016 haben wir die Examic Assessment Suite einem internationalen Publikum an der Ottawa Konferenz in Perth präsentiert.

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Usability without users

Usability without users

How can one optimise interfaces in a time- and safety-critical context without knowledge about the users of the system?

Impressions of MME orientation days

Impressions of MME orientation days

The 13th MME programme cycle started at the beginning of February. 24 curious, open-minded, and highly motivated continuing education students arrived at the reading room of the learning centre in Bühlstrasse to discover the world of Medical Education.

Medical education up close and personal

Medical education up close and personal

The GMA conference took place from 13th to 17th September 2016 under the motto “innovative together”. Participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of medical education, get up to speed on scientific teaching opinions, and discuss burning issues directly with international experts.

Tradition meets innovation

Tradition meets innovation

The Institute for Medical Education (IML) has a long history as a national competence centre. A look back shows that the close tie between teaching, assessment and practice in Bern is a model with tradition and an international reach.

How MC questions become ready for examinations

How MC questions become ready for examinations

Not only the candidates feel challenged when preparing for a Federal medical examination

Tablet exam: Students are «positively surprised»

Tablet exam: Students are «positively surprised»

«Clearer and more practical»: Two out of three students prefer to solve multiple-choice exams on a tablet rather than on paper.

Assessment-Tools: Vorsprung durch Usability, Qualität und Forschung

Assessment-Tools: Vorsprung durch Usability, Qualität und Forschung

Wir konzipieren und evaluieren Assessment-Tools auf Basis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und leisten so einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Innovation, Forschung und Qualitätssicherung.

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Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung GMA in Bern

Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung GMA in Bern

Die nächste Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) findet vom 14.-17. September 2016 in Bern statt. Im Interview gibt die Tagungspräsidentin und IML-Direktorin, Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, Auskunft über den Grossanlass in der Schweiz.

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Unsere Poster aus Textil «fliegen» in alle Welt!

Unsere Poster aus Textil «fliegen» in alle Welt!

Packen Sie ab jetzt Ihr Poster in den Koffer und lassen Sie die Posterrolle zu Hause! Die Abteilung für Unterricht und Medien (AUM) druckt wissenschaftliche Poster auch auf Textil.

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Neue Version von «HemoSurf» verfügbar

Neue Version von «HemoSurf» verfügbar

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer Institut wurde das Lernprogramm „HemoSurf – ein interaktiver Hämatologie-Atlas“ - einer kompletten Überarbeitung unterzogen.

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Hollywood lässt grüssen

Hollywood lässt grüssen

Furchteinflössend, fantasievoll, ansprechend, in der Filmindustrie werden SchauspielerInnen ihrer Rolle entsprechend exakt geschminkt. Auch am Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML) der Universität Bern wenden wir die Kunst des Schminkens an, jedoch für Lehrzwecke. So imitieren wir Krankheiten und Verletzungen für Simulationssituationen in der Lehre oder Prüfung.

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Datensicherheit früher und heute

Datensicherheit früher und heute

Für die sichere Abwicklung von Prüfungen in der Medizin, Umfragen und Forschungsprojekten ist ein hoher Standard beim Datenschutz unerlässlich.

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