The Institute for Medical Education (IML) of the Medical Faculty Bern and the Medical Faculty Zurich ran the conference on behalf of the Society for Medical Education (GMI). “We are convinced that the exchange and the diverse programme on teaching and learning themes will provide important impetus for education in the health and medical professions”, said Conference President Prof. Dr. phil. S. Guttormsen in her opening address. The meaning of “innovative together” in practice was illuminated by the invited experts from various perspectives and with a huge diversity.
At the heart of science
Over four days, high-calibre keynote speakers provided insights into current educational policy themes in the area of health, such as medical education and patient care, interprofessional collaboration and new trends in assessments and innovations for teaching.
Hands-on and innovative exchange
Science does not have to be “dry”. This was demonstrated by new approaches to the complex thematic area of medical education. For instance, exchanges occurred between the researchers on questions of education in medicine and the public health sector, not only through typical scientific vessels such as expert committees, lectures, presentations, workshops or posters, but rather through “fringe” contributions (“whacky”) such as the stage play “living networks for dummies” or the “flipped classroom” with prepared media. This went down well with the approximately 500 conference participants.
Medical education at one’s fingertips
At various stands, exhibitors provided information about their current products and services.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Olle ten Cate (UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands) discusses with Prof. Dr. med. P-A. Michaud (Lausanne, Switzerland) -
S. Nam, Senior Research Fellow (Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation/Boston USA) -
Prof. Dr. med. E. Driessen (Maastricht, NL) -
Prof. Dr. J. Norchini (Philadelphia, USA) and Prof. Dr. M. Puhan (Zurich, Switzerland) -
Prof. Dr. F. Fischer (Munich, Germany) and Prof. Dr. L. Lingard (London, Ontario, Canada) -
Dr. J. Breckwoldt, Medical Faculty of Zurich, moderates one of the keynote speach -
PD Dr. med. S. Huwendiek, MME (IML) thanks the keynote speakers

Conference presidents Prof. Dr. phil. S. Guttormsen and Dr. med. C. Schirlo, MME -
Prof. Dr. med. H-U. Simon, dean of the medical faculty of Bern -
Prof. Dr. med. R. Weber, dean of the medical faculty of Zurich -
Dr. rer. pol. S. Spycher, vice-director of the Federal office for Public Health, head of the Health policy department -
Dr. med. H. Amstad, general director of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences -
Prof. Dr. med. M. Fischer, GMA president