The Assessment and Evaluation Unit (AAE) supports those responsible for exams in the development, implementation and evaluation of structured exams, and is committed to a high measurement quality and fairness in evaluations.
It has been offering exam services for over 40 years, primarily in medical graduate and postgraduate education, but also in diverse non-medical areas such as biology and IT. Currently, it is providing guidance for over 200 exams, among them the federal exams of the universitary medical professions (human medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, chiropractic medicine) for the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).
We support you in all steps of the exam cycle – through services (exam development, workshops, formal linguistic revision, translation, evaluation) and software.

Our offer for the individual steps of the exam
Develop exam regulations and blueprint, set dates and areas of responsibility
depending on blueprint and available question pool
Train authors in the creation of “state-of-the-art” exams and tasks (e.g. multiple-choice and open questions, structured oral and practical exams, Objective Structured Clinical Examination OSCE), gather and manage exam tasks in electronic question tools
Check formal quality criteria and language
Coordinate and check translations
Select and compile exam tasks from the question pool according to blueprint and further criteria
Create instructions, time schedules, exam booklets, electronically readable answer sheets and/or electronic exams
Arrange standardized/simulated patients for practical exams, instruct supervisory personnel, implement exams on paper or electronically, make tablets available for exams, monitor candidates and support examiners
Merge candidates’ answers – paper-based or electronic exams – with solution keys, analyze exam using internationally recognized statistical procedures, recommend checking/revision of conspicuous tasks, implement standard-setting methods and suggest pass marks
Calculate results/process results specific to target group (detailed exam feedback to candidates, results lists and analysis reports to experts, comments to appeals committees), possible updating of database (measurement data are again entered into the exam task)