
Viva VOsCE
Virtual Objective structered Clinical Examinations

Examic Valuatic
Valuatic is an easy-to-use and efficient system for conducting oral and clinical assessments (especially OSCEs) without the use of paper forms.

Examic EOSCE
EOSCE is an easy-to-use and efficient system for conducting practical medical examinations (especially OSCEs) without the use of paper forms.

Examic Measured
Examic Measured is an innovative online platform designed to help educational institutions and organisations easily create and administer exams and assessments.

PhD project: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in the Psychiatry Core Clerkship.

PhD project: Entrustable Professional Activities in Old Age Psychiatry
Improving residency training with Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA’s) in Old Age Psychiatry.

Multisource feedback guideline
Use of multisource feedback in medical training: Creation of an implementation guideline.

«did-act» on clinical decision-making, EU project
An adaptive curriculum for clinical reasoning for students and instructors is to be developed, implemented and disseminated in order to better prepare future doctors and to avoid mistakes.

Competencies of Attendings in GIM Departments in Swiss Hospitals
In Switzerland, the competencies for attending physicians in General Internal Medicine (GIM) are not sufficiently defined, and additional non-medical tasks to successfully practice hospital medicine are not addressed.

PhD project: Measurement precision of written exams
The work examines the measurement precision at the cut-score of multiple choice exams and scoring algorithms for multiple true-false (MTF) questions.

PhD project: Multisource feedback in postgraduate medical education
Which factors influence multisource feedback in postgraduate medical education?

Interprofessional Workplace-based Assessment in Diabetology
A qualitative research study in medical education at the University Hospital of Bern.

Importance of sample sizes in multiple choice exams
The project examines the extent to which the psychometric properties and candidate performances in multiple choice exams depend on the sample sizes “items/candidates”.

PhD project: Workplace-based assessment
Mini-CEX and DOPS are two forms of workplace-based assessment which are used to support physicians’ learning in the workplace.

Microscopy versus Endoscopy
Assessment of middle ear anatomy teaching using microscopy versus endoscopy: A randomized comparative study.

PhD project: Assessment in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training
PhD regarding “Assessment in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training”.

Improving the assessment of communication
Improving the assessment of communication competencies in the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination in Human Medicine: A project with a mixed methods approach.

Kleine Patienten ganz gross
Das Projekt untersucht den Einsatz von Kindern als „standardisierte Patienten“ in praktischen Prüfungen (OSCE).

Lessons learned: Schriftliche Prüfungen mit CBA
Wie sind die Erfahrungen mit Computer-basiertem-Assessment (CBA)? Welche Empfehlungen leiten sich daraus für die Eidg. Prüfung Humanmedizin ab?

Authentischere Patientenszenarien dank Hybridstationen
Den Einsatz von Hybridstationen in der eidgenössischen Clinical Skills-Prüfung planen und pilotisieren.