Viva VOsCE will deliver a Virtual Reality platform to assist medical schools in delivering and assessing OSCEs.
With Viva VOsCE, we aim to create a Virtual Reality (VR) based OSCE platform. The purpose of this platform will be to assist medical schools in the assessment of students, and to do so with a significant reduction in logistical effort and overall cost.
Ordering customer
Project team
Main applicant: Oliver Kannape, PhD (The Virtual Medicine Center - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève). Research project partners: Thomas Sauter MD MME, Emergeny Telehealth University of Bern; Christoph Berendonk MD MME, Institute for Medical Education University of Bern; Implementation project partner: George Papagiannakis, ORamaVR SA
Team IML
Christoph Berendonk, Florian Neubauer