IML Annual Report 2022
In 2022 we surfaced out of the pandemic and needed to set priorities on many tasks and routines that suffered during the exceptional circumstances the last years.

CST videos as a valuable resource for medical students
Learning medical examination techniques forms a central element of medical training alongside cognitive knowledge. Clinical Skills Training (CST) at the University of Bern has a long tradition dating back to group teaching in the 1970s.

Building clinical competencies for tomorrow’s pharmacists
Two new courses co-designed and implemented by the IML, «patient-oriented pharmaceutical care» and «triage and clinical skills», prepare students in the best possible way for their future work in the pharmacy.

Save the date: «Kurse in Präzisionsmedizin» für Hausärztinnen und Studierende
Das IML bietet zwei aktuelle Kurse zur Präzisionsmedizin für Hausärzt:innen und Studierende an.

Swiss Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine
More than 1200 prospective doctors from six faculties took the written part of the Federal Licensing Exam in Human Medicine electronically for the first time. The switch from paper to tablets went smoothly.

Usability and User Experience
Two Challenging Disciplines as Drivers of Software Development

Symposium «Assessment And Professional Identity Development»
28. - 29.6.2022: There is a growing call to reframe medical education from «doing the work» towards «being a medical professional».

Save the Date: Symposium «Vertrauensvolle Arzt:innen Patient:innen Beziehung»
14. - 15.07.2022: Wie wird der Aufbau einer vertrauensvollen Beziehung in den verschiedenen Gesundheitsprofessionen unterrichtet? Welche Elemente hiervon können auf die medizinische Aus- und Weiterbildung übertragen werden?

Good teaching and research go hand in hand
Educational research provides important building blocks to promote excellence in education. With two new, SNSF projects, each with a duration of 4 years, we are able to incorporate current themes in teaching and approach them with the necessary care and resources.

10 years of clinical skills exams with Examic EOSCE
As a pioneer in the field of electronic OSCE assessments on tablet computers, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) started supporting clinical examinations with its own software Examic EOSCE 10 years ago.

IML-Kolloquium: Termine
Während der IML-Kolloquien präsentieren Expertinnen und Experten aktuelle Beiträge rund um das Thema Medical Education.

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