IML-Kolloquium: Termine
Während der IML-Kolloquien präsentieren Expertinnen und Experten aktuelle Beiträge rund um das Thema Medical Education.

IML Annual Report 2018
Higher education institutions in general are now at the threshold of paperless teaching, learning and assessment. It is astonishing, that this shift has taken so many years, knowing that computers are a normal part of our lives since many decades. The IML has been preparing this shift intensively over the last years.

Enthusiastic medical student develops an app for CliniSurf
Learning program of the IML provides the impulse for a heart sounds app.

New location for the BiSS
On behalf of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern, the IML runs the Bern Interdisciplinary Skills and Simulated Patient Centre BiSS at the new location “UniZiegler”. Thanks to the addition of a new learning centre, the UniZiegler meets the needs that arose from the creation of 100 additional study places in human medicine.

Open day at Mittelstrasse
As part of the open day at the Uni Mittelstrasse building on the 27th October, the IML showcased itself through various presentations and activities. Young and old were able to experience medical education firsthand and were amazed by the exciting work field of the IML.

Tag der offenen Tür Uni Mittelstrasse
Tauchen Sie am Samstag, 27. Oktober in die medizinische Ausbildung ein und erfahren Sie mehr über moderne Medizindidaktik und Prüfungsmethodik.

AMEE 2018: Focus on Medical Education
From the 25th – 29th August 2018, the IML took part in the conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) in Basel. Among the 5000 participants from 150 nations, the institute was represented both with scientific contributions and as an exhibitor.

The IML is moving closer to the University
From the 14th May, the Institute for Medical Education (IML) will be located in the Länggass quarter.