In this  project, the team simulation event is adapted for undergraduate medical students applying the principles of the Inverted Classroom Method (ICM) to perform better as a team in the emergency room  situation. 

In the ICM, knowledge acquisition is carried out independently by the students with support from online tool, offering preparation materials. In the subsequent attendance phase, the application of knowledge is formatively evaluated, a discussion of what has been learned is moderated, and misunderstood concepts and principles are corrected if necessary. Among other things, the learning outcomes from the reference work Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives are addressed (teamwork, communication).


An efficient acquisition of non-technical competences and improved integration of students into interprofessional team (physiciens & nurses) simulations in emergency medicine.



University of Bern, Promotion of innovative teaching (FIL)


Dr. med. Daniel Bauer, MME
Dr. med. Kai Schnabel, MME
Dr. med. Thomas Sauter
PD Dr. med. Wolf Hautz

Project information

Running time: Jan. - Dec. 2018