
Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen Schär
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Sissel Guttormsen is full professor for medical education and the director of the Institute of Medical Education (IML) at the medical Faculty, University of Bern since 2005. IML is a competence centre for medical education, and performs research and development in the fields of assessment, evaluation, development of innovative computer-assisted teaching & learning & assessment environments. Sissel Guttormsen is active engaged in several national and international committees and organisations for promotion of development and research of educational matters and research, as well as in the various executive committees and working task-forces for education at the medical faculty in Bern.
Her research interests are related to cognitive processes for learning and assessment, use of various media for learning, supporting learning and assessment processes with ICT, usability and ‘human factors’. The promotion of innovative, feasible and optimal condition for medical education for both teachers, students and involved organisations is both her vision and mission.
Employment History (excerpt)
2005 – present: Professor (Ordinaria) and director of the Institute of Medical Education, University of Bern.
1997 – 2005: Post-Doc, Head of the research group ‘Man-Machine Interaction’, at the Institute of Hygiene and Applied Physiology (IHA), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
1992 – 1997: Scientific assistant at IHA, ETHZ
1990 – 1991: Research assistant at the Norwegian Computing Centre, in Oslo, Norway.
University Education
Habilitation (2004): “Venia Legendi”, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), for the field of ‘Cognitive ergonomics’. Thesis: Multimedia Didactics: Studies on the learning effects of dynamic visual media, based on analyses of cognitive models and learning content characteristics. (Book, Shaker Verlag 2006)
PhD (1997): University of Zürich, Faculty of Arts, Thesis: Implicit and Explicit learning of computerized tasks: The role of the computer user-interface and task saliency.
M.Sc. (1992), Psychology, (philosophy and statistics), University of Oslo, Norway.
Master thesis published as: Guttormsen Schär, S. (1996). The influence of the user interface on solving well- and ill-defined problems. International Journal of Human computer studies; 44, 1-18.
Professional activities (excerpt)
2023 - Board member and participating organisation of IMEX: International Medical Educators eXchange programme.
2021- present: Member of the «Ernennungs- und Habilitationskommission» (EHK) of the medical faculty, University of Bern
2021 - present: President of the Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern
2017 - present: Member of the curriculum commission for the CAS Palliative Care in Bern.
2011 – present: Permanent guest of the national exam committee for the federal exam for human medicine
2010 – present: Member of the operative executive board for the Master program of medicine («Studienleitung Masterstudiengang»).
2008 – present: Member of the executive board of the ‘Graduate School for Health Sciences’ (GHS), University of Bern
2008 – present: Member of Expert Commission I - for «preventive and social medicine, public health, medical education, psychology, rehabilitation & clinical research», Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern.
2007 – present: Member of the faculty board for quality assurance at the medical Faculty of Bern.
2005 – present: Member of the executive Board for Education at the Medical Faculty in Bern («Ausschuss für Lehre»)
2007 – present: Member of the executive board for the Master of Medicine Program of Medicine at the medical Faculty of Bern («Subkommission Lehre Masterstudium»)
2007 – present: President of the MAS-Program, Master of Medical Education, Executive Board, University of Bern
2005 – present: Permanent guest of the national joint Commission of the Swiss Medical Schools (SMIFK)
2021: Sissel Guttormsen and Rainer Weber (Co-Presidents) of the Annual Conference of the Association of Medical Education.
2019 - 2022: President of the Expert Commission I - for «preventive and social medicine, public health, medical education, psychology, rehabilitation & clinical research», Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern.
2007 – 2020: Member of the commission for the advancement of scientific procreation at the University of Bern, representing the Medical Faculty
2017 - 2018: Member of the national Board for the organisation of the 2018 AMEE Conference in Basel Switzerland.
2017: President of the bi-annual SPSim Conference, in Bern. The SPSim conference address use of Standardized Patients and Simulation in undergraduate and postgraduate education of health professionals. 16. – 18-03.2017,
2016: President of the annual Conference of the German Association for Medical Eduction (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung, GMA), together with Christian Schirlo, Medical Faculty of Zürich. Conference venue: Bern, Hochschulzentrum VonRoll, 14. – 17.11.2016,
2008 – 2016: President of the ‚Expert Commission for Neuroscience’, Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern
2008 – 2010: President of the Executive Board of the ‘Graduate School for Health Sciences’ (GHS), University of Bern
2006 – 2010: President of the national working group for the development of the federal exam for human medicine.
2006 – 2008: President of the commission for the foundation of the interfacultary Graduate School for Health Sciences at the University of Bern
Recent research grants (excerpt)
2022 – 2024: Health 2030
Title: «FRONTLINERS: teaching precision medicine to primary care professionals.
Project head: Idris GuessousHUG/UNIGE. Co-applicants: Jacques CornuzUnisanté/UNIL, Gérard WaeberCHUV/UNIL, Sissel Guttormsen IML/UNIBERN.
2021 – 2025: SNF 100019_200811
Title: Implementing effective digital learning and teaching in higher education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.
Main Applicant: Sissel Guttormsen, Co-applicant: Kai Schnabel
Project partner: Sören Huwendiek, (Institute for Medical Education, IML, University of Bern, Switzerland), Christian Schirlo and Stephan Gysin (University of Luzern, Switerland), Daniel Tolks (LMU München and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany).
2021 – 2025: SNF 100019_200831
Title: Überbringen schlechter Diagnosen – Optimierung der Stressreaktion und Kommunikationsleistung bei Medizinstudie-renden
Main Applicant: Christoph Berendonk (Institute for Medical Education, IML, University of Bern, Switzerland)
Project partner: Sissel Guttormsen (IML), Patric Gomez (Unisanté, Lausanne), Felix Schmitz (IML), Urs Nater (University of Wien).
2021 – 2024: NFP 187284
Title: The digital diagnostician: how information technology affects medical diagnoses
Main Applicant: Wolf Hautz
Co-Applicants: Sissel Guttormsen (IML), Mathieu Nendaz (University of Geneva), Exadaktylos Aristomenis (Schweizer Gesellschaft für Notfall- und Rettungsmedizin Geschäftsstelle); David L. Schwappach (CH Stiftung für Patientensicherheit)
2020 – 2022: Health 2030
Title: «Precision Medicine FRONTLINE a multi-support learning platform on Precision Medicine for the daily practice of frontline care professionals.
Project head: Idris GuessousHUG/UNIGE. Co-applicants: Jacques CornuzUnisanté/UNIL, Gérard WaeberCHUV/UNIL, Sissel Guttormsen IML/UNIBERN.
2019 – 2022: Swiss Cancer Research foundation:
Title: "Communication with cancer patients and their families about approaching death: Scaffolding conceptual and practical learning for health professionals."
Main applicant: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen, Institute for Medical Education (IML), medical faculty, University Bern.
Co-applicants: Prof. Dr. med. Steffen Eychmüller, University Centre for Palliative Care (UCPC), Insel University Hospital Bern; Dr. phil. Sofia Zambrano, UCPC; Dr. med. Kai Philipp Schnabel, IML.
2017 – 2022: Swiss National Foundation / NFP 74: „Spiritual Care in Chronic Pain. Interdisciplinary Research for Interprofessional Practice in Medicine and Nursing“.
Lead Prof. S. Peng Keller, Theological Faculty, University of Zürich, Co-applicants: Prof. M. Rufer, Psychiatrische Poliklinik Universitätsspital Zürich; Prof. N. Biller-Andorno, Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte; Dr. A. Bischoff, Haute école de santé Fribourg; Prof. S. Guttormsen, Institute for Medical Education; Prof. R. Spirig, Abteilung Klinische Pflegewissenschaft, Universitätspital Zürich.
2011 – 2020: Several research grants from the Federal Office of Public Health: Quality assurance projects for the federal licensing exams. Partners: Institute of Medical Education (IML. S. Guttormsen, S. Huwendiek, K. Schnabel) and the Swiss Medical Faculties
2014 – 2015: Swiss National Foundation: „Blogging in Internships“, Lead, Prof. D. Petko PHZH, Co Applicants Prof. S. Guttormsen, Institut für Medizinische Lehre , Bern; Dr. Thomas Hartmann, Departement Forschung und Entwicklung Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich.
2012 – 2014: Grant from the “Novartis Stiftung für Mensch und Umwelt” Partners: Drexel University (USA), Ch. Dätwyler; IML, S. Guttormsen, Medical Faculty of Basel. Prof. W. Langewitz, ‘American Academy of Communication in Healthcare’ (AACH, USA).
2013: Research and Development grant from CRUS (Swiss Universities). Lead: Switch, Partners: Sissel Guttormsen IML/UNIBE, SWITCH, EPFL, ETHZ, FHNW, FHO, SUPSI, UNIBAS, INIFR, UNIGE, UNIL, UZH, ZFH.
2009 – 2012: AAA/SWITCH Grants, totally 3 competitive grants, resulting in continued research on eAssessment development. Lead IML (S. Guttormsen, P. Zimmermann, L. Rieder, S. Schallenberger), Partner, HSR, Prof. M. Stolze.
Smith A, Hachen S, Weinberg A, Falkai P, Guttormsen S., Liebrenz M. The weight of office? A scoping review of mental health issues and risk factors in elected politicians across democratic societies. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/00207640241291523
Schmitz, F.M., Buzzi, AL., Brem, B.G. Schnabel, K.P., Berger-Estilla, J., Roten, F.M., Peng-Keller, S., Guttormsen, S. (2024). Learning how to explore spiritual aspects in encounters with patients with chronic pain: a pre-test post-test trial on the effectiveness of a web-based learning intervention. BMC Med Educ 24, 1212 (2024).
Freeman, J., Raabe, A., Schmitz, F., Guttormsen, S. (2024). How neurosurgeons maintain and update their professional knowledge in a self-directed learning context. BMC Med Educ 24, 763 (2024).
Mitchell S., Sehlbach, C., Franssen, G., Janczukowicz, J., Guttormsen. S. (2024). A taxonomy of teaching methods and their use in health professions education: A Scoping Review Protocol bmjopen-2023-077282
Felber S.J., Zambrano S.C., Guffi T., Schmitz F.M., Brem B.G., Schnabel K.P. Guttormsen S., Eychmüller S. (2024).
How to talk about dying? The development of an evidence-based model for communication with patients in their last days of life and their family caregivers. PEC Innovation, Volume 5, 2024,100309, ISSN 2772-6282,
Gogollari A., Mitchell S. & Guttormsen, S.
Swiss medical schools’ experiences with online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in light of international experiences. BMC Med Educ 24, 242 (2024).
Lange A, Bonvin R, Guttormsen Schär S., et al (2024)
Physicians’ emotion awareness and emotion regulation training during medical education: a systematic scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 2024;14:e080643. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080643
Wohlfahrt B., Linder N., Schmitz F.M., Hari R., Elfering, A., Guttormsen, S. (2024).
Self-directed learning among general practitioners in the German-speaking part of Switzerland: a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews: Did habits change under recent technological shifts? Swiss Medical Weekly, 154, 7, 154:3436.
Schnabel, Kai; Guttormsen, Sissel; Bartenstein, Andreas (22 März 2024). Qualitätskriterien für interdisziplinäre und interprofessionelle pädiatrische Skills Labs. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Lange, A., Zanbrano, C. S., Guttormsen, S., Bonvin, R. (2024)
Physicians‘ emotions are finding their way into medica education! Poster presented at 8th Public Health Palliatice Care International Conference, 22 – 25.10.2024 in Bern. Palliative Care & Social Practice. 2024, Vol. 18: 1–164
DOI: 10.1177/ 26323524241280174
Lange, A., Bonvin, R. Guttormsen, S., Zanbrano, C. S., (2024)
Methods of teaching medical students about the management and impact of their emotions in future patient care: A scoping review of the literature. Short presentation at the 8th Public Health Palliatice Care international Conference, Bern Switzerland, 22 – 25 October 2024. Palliative Care & Social Practice. 2024, Vol. 18: 1–164
DOI: 10.1177/ 26323524241280174
Guttormsen, S. & Brem, B. (2024). Recommendations for undergraduate education. Workshop at EACH Swiss Symposium 2024, Bern 01.02.2024: Future perspectives: promoting the value of communication in medical training / healthcare.
Schmitz F, Berendonk C, Guttormsen S., Bosshard M. (2024) Die Umdeutung körperlicher Stressreaktionen beim Überbingen schwerer Nachrichten: Ergebnisse zum Nutzen einer 10-Minuten-Intervention. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Freiburg, Schweiz, 05.-09.08.2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocV-02-04. DOI: 10.3205/24gma009, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-24gma0095
Gogollari A, Schnabel K, Schmitz F, Huwendiek S, Gysin S, Schirlo C, Tolks D, Schauber S, Guttormsen S. (2024). Digital Learning in Swiss Medical Education: A Nationwide Survey of Student Perceptions. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Freiburg, Schweiz, 05.-09.08.2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocP-1-09. DOI: 10.3205/24gma150, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-24gma1505
Quandt C, Afshar K, Wagner F, Christen HJ, Berthold D, Welte P, Johanning K, Berendonk C, Guttormsen S. (2024). Evaluation eines Train-the-Trainer-Konzepts zur Qualifizierung von Weiterbildungsermächtigten in arbeitsplatzbasierten Assessments – ein Pilotprojekt der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Freiburg, Schweiz, 05.-09.08.2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocP-4-04. DOI: 10.3205/24gma176, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-24gma1763
Lange AA, Bonvin R, Guttormsen S., Zambrano SC. (2024). A scoping review of approaches to teach medical students about the role of their own emotions in future patient care. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Freiburg, Schweiz, 05.-09.08.2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocV-20-03. DOI: 10.3205/24gma077, URN:urn:nbn:de:0183-24gma0777
Bosshard, M., Schmitz, F. M., Guttormsen, S., Gomez, P., Berendonk, Ch. (2024). Improving stress response in medical students tasked with breaking bad news to simulated patients. Short presentation at AMEE Basel Switzerland, 24 – 28 August 2024.
Gogollari, A., Schnabel, K., Schmitz F., Huwendiek, S., Gysin, S., Schirlo, Ch., Tolks, D., Schauber, S., Guttormsen, S. (2024). Exploring Digital Learning and Teaching (DLT) Perceptions Among Swiss Medical Students: A Nationwide Survey. Presented as ePoster at AMEE 2024, Basel Switzerland, 24 – 28 August 2024
Mitchell, S., Schmitz F., Guessous, I. ,Janczukowicz J., Guttormsen S. (2024)
Learning effects of an online learning intervention for skills acquisition using simulated patient encounters: a controled field study. Short presentation at AMEE Basel Switzerland, 24 – 28 August 2024
Guffi, T., Brem, B., Felber, S. J., Schmitz, F. M., Schnabel, K. P P., Guttormsen Schär, S., Eychmüller, S., Zambrano, S.C. (2023). Identifying the essentials of communicating about imminent death from key stakeholders' perspectives. Patent education and counseling, 109(Supplement), S. 13. Elsevier.
Felber SJ, Guffi T, Brem BG, Schmitz, F., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen Schär, S., Eychmüller, S., Zambrano, S. (2023). Talking about dying and death: Essentials of communicating about approaching death from the perspective of major stakeholders. Palliative and Supportive Care. Published online 2023:1-10. doi:10.1017/S1478951523001621
Wohlfarth B., Streit S. R., Guttormsen S. (2023) Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Writing: A Deuteragonistic Role?. Cureus 15(9): e45513. doi:10.7759/cureus.45513
Bosshard, M, Schmitz F.M., Guttormsen, S., Nater, U.M., Gomez, P., Berendonk, Ch. (2023). From threat to challenge—Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through the combination of stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial". BMC Psychology (2023) 11:153),
Mitchell Sharon, Phaneuf Julien-Carl, Astefanei Silvia Matilda, Guttormsen Sissel, Wolf Amy, de Groot Esther, Sehlbach Carolin (2023). A Changing Landscape for Lifelong Learning in Health Globally. Journal of European CME (JECME)
Mitchel, S., Guttormsen, S. (2023). Workshop Title: Genomic Testing, a blended learning approach. Invited Workshop at the Swimsa SMSC 2023 congress on Precision Medicine (, 25.03.2023 at Hochschulzentrum vonRoll in Bern.
Durand, M.-A., Selby, K. (2023) Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung. In: Guttormsen S., Schnabel K. [Hrsg.]. DocDom.Deutsch. Die Lernplattform für Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. 2021. Bern: Institut für Medizinische Lehre.
Guttormsen, Sissel (2023). The Swiss federal Exam for Human Medicine. A complex puzzlem and still… „the whole is more than the sum of ist parts* Invited presentation at University of Łódź Poland, Medical Faculty, 7. – 8.09. 2023
Guttormsen, Sissel (2023). Student centred teaching based on cognitive principles. When teaching and learning shake hands… Invited workshop at University of Łódź Poland, Medical Faculty, 7. – 8.09. 2023
Schmitz, F., Mitchell, S., Hitzblech, T., Buzzi, AL., Guttormsen, S., (2023). Zur Abklärung und Kommunikation genetischer Risiken und Testverfahren unter Berücksichtigung gemeinsamer Entscheidungsfindung: Resultate einer Prä-Post-Studie zur Wirksamkeit eines Online-Lernangebots (#116). Kurzvortrag an der Jahrestagung der GMA 2023, 14.– 16. September 2023 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
DeLa Rosa, M., Guttormsen, S., Schmitz, F. (2023). Die Motivation beeinflussende Faktoren von Fachkräften im Gesundheitswesen, an strukturierten akademischen Weiterbildungsprogrammen (Continuing Professional Development (CPD)) teilzunehmen (#163). Kurzvortrag an der Jahrestagung der GMA 2023, 14.– 16. September 2023 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
Kiessling, C., Brunk, I, Hege, I., Hempel, L., Kujumdshie, S., Ludwig, S, Schmitz, F., Schönefeld, E., Schüttpelz-Brauns, K. (2023). Karrierewege für Frauen in der Aus- Weiter- und Fortbildung der Gesundheitsberufe: Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit (Sym -06). Eingeladene Panel-Speakers: Annette Bernloehr, Bielefeld, Sissel Guttormsen, Bern, Marion Huber, Winterthur, Andreas Keller, Frankfurt am Main, Zineb Nouns, Berlin, Stefanie Oess, Neuruppin, Eva Schönefeld, Münster. Symposium an der Jahrestagung der GMA 2023, 14.– 16. September 2023 in Osnabrück, Deutschland
Berger-Estilita J, Merlo S, Guttormsen S, Fuchs A, Greif R and Chiang H (2022). Pre-licensure medical students’ knowledge and views on interprofessional learning: A qualitative concept analysis based on real-world data. Front. Educ. 7:978796. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.978796
Ries Gisler, T. & Guttormsen S. (2022). Obligatorische oder weiterhin freiwillige Weiterbildungen für Pflegende? Gezielt auf Nutzen in der täglichen Pflegepraxis ausrichten. Krankenpflege 11, 2022, p 2 – 5.
Mitchel, S., Evrim , J., Schmitz, F. M., Von Kanel, E., Collombet, P., Cornuz, J., Weber, G., Guessous, I., Guttormsen, S. (2022). Investigating acceptability of a training programme in Precision Medicine for frontline healthcare professionals: A mixed Method study. BMC Medical Education (2022, 22:556).
Guttormsen, S., Gogollari, A., Huynh-Do, U., Schaufelberger, M., Huwendiek, S., Kunz, A., Lahner, F.-M. (2022). Are healthcare students professional? The development and validation of an instrument for self- and external-evaluation of undergraduate healthcare student professionalism. Praxis, Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin / Revue suisse de la médecine (in Print).
Wagner, F. L., Feller, S., Schmitz, F. M., Zimmermann, P. G., Krings, R., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiek, S. (2022). Usability and preference of electronic vs. paper and pencil OSCE checklists by examiners and influence of checklist type on missed ratings in the Swiss Federal Licensing Exam. GMS Journal for Medical Education 2022, Vol. 39(2), ISSN 2366-5017. doi: 10.3205/zma001545
Guttormsen, S., Lörwald, A., Wagner, F., Hennel. E., Schnabel, K. P., Weber, R., Goldhahn, J., Huwendiek, S. (2022). Report of the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Education in the German speaking countries, virtual from the ETH Zürich 2021. GMS Journal of Medical Education 2022; 39 (2): Doc15. doi: 10.3205/zma001536
Schurter, T., Echer, M., Gachour, D., Bednarski, P., Hug, B., Kropf, R., Meng-Hentschel, J., König, B., Beyeler, C., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiek, S. (2022). Zentrale Schritte der Erstellung, Durchführung, Auswertung und Qualitätssicherung des schriftlichen Teils der eidgenössischen Prüfung Humanmedizin (Schweizer Staatsexamen). GMS Journal for Medical Education (In Print).
Guttormsen, S.; Schnabel, K. [Hrsg.]. (2022). Neue Module «Sterben» und «Spiritualität» in DocCom.Deutsch. Die Lernplattform für Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Page 1. source
Sissel Guttormsen (2022), Invited keynote at the 5th Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies
SFCNS Congress in Basel, Friday 30.09.2022: «Student centred teaching based on cognitive principles. When teaching and learning shake hands…»
Felber, S. J., Guffi, T., Brem, B., Schmitz, F., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen, S., Eychmüller, S., Zambrano, S.C., (2022). Identifying the essentials of communicating about imminent death from key stakeholders’ perspectives, for the 20th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, to be held at Glasgow Caledonian University, 6th – 9th September 2022.
Mitchel, S. Sehlbacj, C., Janczukowicz, J., Guttormsen., S. (2022). A classification structure for teaching methods and their use in health education: A scoping review. Short communication presented at AMEE 2022 – Lyon, France – 27-31 August
Mitchel, S., Jaccard, E., Schmitz, F., Guessous, I., Guttormsen, S. (2022). Entering an era of Precision Medicine: A needs assessment guiding design of a targeted training programme in CPD. Short communication presented at AMEE 2022 – Lyon, France – 27-31 August
Schmitz, F. M., Buzzi, A.-L., Schnabel, K.P., Berger, J., Roten, F.-M., Peng-Keller, S., Brem, B., & Guttormsen, S. (2022). Die Exploration spiritueller Ressourcen in Patientengesprächen: Ergebnisse zum Nutzen eines webbasierten Lernmoduls. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), Halle, Germany, 15. – 17.09.2022.
Schmitz, F. M., Felber, S.J., Buzzi, A.-L., Schnabel, K.P., Eychmüller, S., Brem, B., Zambrano, S., & Guttormsen, S. (2022). Über das Sterben sprechen: Zur Wirksamkeit eines Blended-Learning Angebots für den deutschsprachigen Raum. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), Halle, Germany, 15. – 17. 09.2022
Piumatti, G., Guttormsen, S., Zurbuchen, B., Abbiati, M., Gerbase, M W., Baroffio, A. (2021). Trajectories of learning approaches during a full medical curriculum: impact on clinical learning outcomes. BMC Med Educ 21, 370 (2021).
Guttormsen, Sissel; Schnabel, Kai [Hrsg.]. (2021). DocCom.Deutsch. Die Lernplattform für Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. Page 1. source
| downloaded: 10.3.2021 Inhaltsverzeichnis, Bern: Institut für Medizinische Lehre.
Guttormsen, S., Schnabel, K.P., Langewitz, W. (2021). Epitaph Prof. Dr. med. Christof Jürg Daetwyler: *8.8.1964 – †11.12.2020. GMS Journal for Medical Education Vol. 38(2), ISSN 2366-5017
Mitchell, S., Jaccard, E., Schmitz, F., Collombet, P., Weber, G., Cornuz, J., Guessous, I., Guttormsen, S. (2021). Using Needs Assessment to design a new training programme for frontline healthcare workers: Part 1 - A Focus Group Study. Short communication. In: Proceedings of AMEE Conference 27 – 30 August, virtual conference, Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
Felber, S. J., Zambrano, S.C., Guffi, T., Brem, B., Schmitz, F., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen, S., Eychmüller, S. (2021). The essentials of communicating about approaching death: Development of a communication model. Short communication. In: Proceedings of the 17 World congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, 6 – 8 10.2021. (Online)
Schmitz, F. M., Bauer, D., Schnabel, K. P., Woermann, U., Guttormsen, S. (2021). Lernen mit Anwendungsbeispielen als Vorbereitung für simulierte Patientengespräche: Optimierung des Lerneffekts mithilfe von Annotationen. Short communication, in the proceedings of the ‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 16. - 17.09.2021 in Zürich, Switzerland (online)
Mitchell, S, Jaccard. E., Schmitz, F., Collombet, P., Guessous, I., Guttormsen, S. (2021). Begin with the end in mind! Use of Kirkpatrick’s framework to design and implement Focus Groups: A practical mixed methods model for Needs Assessment. Poster. In: Proceedings of the‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 16. – 17.09.2021 in Zürich, Switzerland (online).
Felber, S. J., Guffi, T., Brem, B., Schmitz, F., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen, S., Eychmüller, S., Zambrano, S.C., (2021). Über’s Sterben sprechen: Das Wesentliche der Kommunikation über den nahenden Tod aus Sicht von Gesundheitsfachpersonen, Medizinstudierenden, Patientenvertreterinnen und –vertretern sowie trauernden Angehörigen. Short communication. In: Proceedings of the‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 16. – 17.09.2021 in Zürich, Switzerland (online).
Brem, B.G., Lüscher, K. T., Schmitz, F. M., Schnabel, K. P., Peng-Keller, S., Guttormsen, S. (2021). Welche Haltung haben Medizinstudierende im Hinblick auf den Einbezug spiritueller Aspekte von Krankheit und Leiden in Patientengesprächen? Short communication, in the proceedings of the‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 16. – 17.09.2021 in Zürich, Switzerland (online).
Pante, S. V., Trachsel, S., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiel, S., Wagener, S., Jünger, J., Fischer, M. R. (2021). MME-Symposium „Digitale Transformation“ Symposium, at the the‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 16. – 17.09.2021 in Zürich, Switzerland (online).
Schmitz, F.M., Schnabel, K. P., Bauer, D., Woermann, U., Guttormsen, S. (2020)
Learning how to break bad news from worked examples: Does the presentation format matter when hints are embedded? Results from randomised and blinded field trials, Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 103, Issue 9, September 2020, Pages 1850-1855
Lahner, F. M., Schauber, S., Lörwald, A. C., Kropf, R., Guttormsen, S., Fischer, M.R., Huwendiek, S. (In print). Measurement precision at the cut score inmedicalmultiple choice exams: Theorymatters. Perspect Med Educ
Huwendiek, S; Jung, D; Schirlo, Ch; Huber, P.; Balestra, G.; Guttormsen, S; Berendonk, Ch. (2020). The introduction of a standardised national licensing exam as a driver of change in medical education: a qualitative study from Switzerland, Medical Teacher.
Bauer, D., Lahner, F.-M., Huwendiek, S., Schmitz, F.M., Guttormsen, S. (2020). An overview and approach to selecting appropriate patientrepresentations in teaching and summative assessment in medical education. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020;150: w20382. DOI:
Guttormsen, S. (2020). Die Bedeutung von Präsenz in der medizinischen Lehre: Erfahrung und Forschung Hand in Hand. In Tremp, Peter; Stanisavljevic, Marija: (Digitale) Präsenz - Ein Rundumblick auf das soziale Phänomen Lehre (Invited paper).
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4291793, 49 – 53.
Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Cardineaux, Regula; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gérard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2020). Implementing an Online Training Programme in Precision Medicine for Primary Care Professionals: a Multi-Method Approach (2020). In: Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age. Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press, ISBN: 978-989-8704-22-1
Peng-Keller, S., Guttormsen. S., Rufer, M (2020). Spiritual Care als Aspekt einer multimodalen Schmerzbehandlung. Prim Hosp Care Allg Inn Med. 2020;20(12):375-376 (Invited contribution). DOI:
Bauer D. Brem B, Guttormsen S, Woermann U, Schnabel K (2020). How COVID-19 accelerated the digitization of teaching in the medical program at the university of Bern. VSH / AEU Bulletin, Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschulen, 46, 3/4, ISSN 166- 9898
Beate Gabriele Brem, Jael Plüer, Kai Philipp Schnabel, Simon Peng-Keller, Sissel Guttormsen Schär, Felix Michael Schmitz (2020). Fokusgruppenstudie zur Validierung eines “spiritual-care” Gesprächsmodells. In Abstract-band der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung 2020. Herausgeber Sören Huwendiek, S. Guttormsen und Rainer Weber.
Sonja Lüer, Felix Schmitz, Sissel Guttormsen Schär, Ulrich Woermann (2020)
The simulated physician – a novel concept in communication training. In Abstract-band der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung 2020. Herausgeber Sören Huwendiek, S. Guttormsen und Rainer Weber
Tobias Ries Gisler, Sissel Guttormsen Schär (2020). Advantages, disadvantages and barriers on changing continuous professional development (CPD) for registered nurses in Switzerland. Perspectives of experts in nursing education and nursing management: First results of a mixed methods study. In Abstract-band der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung 2020. Herausgeber Sören Huwendiek, Sissel Guttormsen und Rainer Weber
Kuhn, S., Ammann, D., Cichon, I., Ehlers, J., Guttormsen, S., Hülsken-Giesler, M., Kaap-Fröhlich, S., Kickbusch, I., Pelikan, J., Reiber, K., Ritschl, H., und Wilbacher, I. (2019). Careum working paper 8: “Wie revolutioniert die digitale Transformation die Bildung der Berufe im Gesundheitswesen?”
Short version, Full version
Guttormsen S. (2019) Presentation at the Careum Dialog 2019 «Anders Lernen – Lehren – Handeln»: Lernen Digital Genial oder Fatal.
Mancinetti, M., Guttormsen, S., Berendonk, C. (2019). Cognitive load in internal medicine: What every clinical teacher should know about cognitive load theory. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 60:pp 4-8. DOI:10.1016/j.ejim.2018.08.013
Freeman, Jodie; Raabe, Andreas; Schmitz, Felix; Guttormsen, Sissel (2019). Lifelong self-directed learning in the digital age: an orientation of current software tools supporting experts in maintaining and updating their knowledge. In: Sampson, Demetrios G.; Ifenthaler, Dirk; Isaías, Pedro; Mascia, Maria Lidia (eds.) CELDA 2019. 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age. Proceedings (pp. 443-446). Cagliari, Italy: IADIS Press, ISBN 978-989-8533-93-7
Guttormsen, S. (2019). Informationskompetenz und Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet On-line Artikel in Comparis, online: 04.01.2019, als Pdf
Guttormsen. S. (2019): Zukünftige Informationskompetenzen im Gesundheitsbereich.
Interview in VITA Magazin 3-2019 (Rubrik Wichtig & relevant), Seite 14 - 16.
Guttormsen, S. (2019): Digitalisierung in der medizinischen Ausbildung. Invited Keynote at Fachtagung FH Joanneum, University of Applied Scienses Graz, AT: Digitale Kompetenzen in den Gesundheitsberufen, 06.06.2019.
Guttormsen S. (2019), invited keynote about the Swiss Federal Exam for Human Medicine at the "National Seminar on assessment in Medical Education" Organisied by the Universies of Oslo, Bergen Trondheim (NTNU) and Tromsø, 19.09.2019, Oslo Norway, Chair Kristian Bjøro.
Marciondi M., Guttormsen S., Berendonk Ch. (in Print). Cognitive load in internal medicine: What every clinical teacher should know about cognitive load theory. European Journal of Internal Medicine
Lahner, FM; Lörwald, AC; Bauer, D.; Nouns, ZM.; Krebs, R.; Guttormsen, S; Fischer, MR.; Huwendiek, S. (2018). Multiple true–false items: a comparison of scoring algorithms. Advances in health sciences education, 23(3), pp. 455-463. Springer 10.1007/s10459-017-9805-y
F.M. Schmitz*, K. Schnabel* (*authors contributed equally), D. Bauer, C. Bachmann, U. Woermann, S. Guttormsen (2018), The learning effects of different presentations of worked examples on medical students’ breaking-bad-news skills: A randomized and blinded field trial, Patient Educ Couns, 101 (8), pp 1439–1451.
S. Guttormsen, J. Breckwoldt, R. Kropf, M. Monti, N. Junod, C. Bachmann (26.08.2018). How to develop high quality OSCE stations with a special focus on communication competencies. Pre-conference Workshop (PCW 18, 3 hours), at the AMEE Conference 25. – 29- 08-2018 in Basel Switzerland. Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
F.M. Lahner; A. C. Lörwald; D. Bauer; S. Guttormsen; M. R. Fischer; S. Huwendiek (29 August 2018). Influence of Different Scoring Algorithms for Multiple True-False Items on the Measurement Precision of Multiple-Choice Exams. PhD Report In: Proceedings of AMEE Conference 25. – 29- 08-2018 in Basel Switzerland (pp. 801-802). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
F.M. Schmitz, D. Stricker, S. Guttormsen (2018). Can coping-related weblog writing encourage medical students’ communication skills in stressful situations? Short communication. In: Proceedings of AMEE Conference 25. – 29- 08-2018 in Basel Switzerland (pp. 699). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
F. Neubauer, FL. Wagner, AC. Lörwald, S. Guttormsen. H. Huwendiek (2018). Development of a toolbox for multisource evaluation of Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration in Switzerland. Poster. In: Proceedings of AMEE Conference 25. – 29- 08-2018 in Basel Switzerland (pp. 122). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
S. Krähenmann,, F. Lahner, S., Huwendiek, S. Guttormsen (2018). Prevalence of observed characteristics of positive doctor role models in general internal medicine: A cross sectional study with residence physicians. Poster. In: Proceedings of AMEE Conference 25. – 29- 08-2018 in Basel Switzerland (pp. 776). Dundee: Association for Medical Education in Europe
F.M., Lahner, D. Bauer, A.C. Lörwald, T. Müller, S. Guttormsen, M.R. Fischer, S. Huwendiek (2018). "Der EInfluss unterschiedlicher Bewertungsschlüssel für Kprim Fragen auf die Messgenauigkeit um die Bestehensgrenze“. Short communication. In the proceedings of the ‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 19. – 22.09.2018 in Wien, Österreich.
F.M. Lahner, U. Huynh- Do, M. Schaufelberger, A. Kunz, S. Huwendiek, S. Guttormsen (2018). „Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Professionalität bei Studierenden“. Short communication. In the proceedings of the ‘GMA-Jahrestagung’ 19. – 22.09.2018 in Wien, Österreich.
S. Guttormsen (2018). Learning with support of digital tools, invited presentation. 6th National Meet&Greet of Swiss Medical Librarians: Supporting Research, Education and Clinical Practice. Monday, 27 August 2018, University of Bern.
Schmitz, F. M., Schnabel, K., Stricker, D., Fischer, M. R., & Guttormsen, S. (2017). Learning communication from erroneous video-based examples: A double blind randomised controlled trial. PEC, Patient Education and Counseling.
Guttormsen S, Bauer D, Breckwoldt J, Huwendiek S, Schnabel K, Schirlo C. (2017). GMA Annual Conference 2016 in Bern – Conference Report. GMS J Med Educ. 2017;34(1):Doc2.
DOI: 10.3205/zma001079, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-zma0010798
Felicitas-Maria Lahner, Andrea Carolin Lörwald, Daniel Bauer, Zineb Miriam Nouns, René Krebs, Sissel Guttormsen, Martin Rudolf Fischer, Sören Huwendiek (2017): Multiple True-False Items: A comparison of scoring algorithms", Advances in Health Sciences Education
Lahner FM, Lörwald A, Guttormsen S, Fischer MR, Huwendiek S. Zuverlässigkeit von Bestehens-/Nichtbestehensentscheidungen bei Multiple Choice Prüfungen: konditionale Reliabilität vs Cronbachs Alpha. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Münster, 20.-23.09.2017. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2017. Doc035. DOI: 10.3205/17gma035, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-17gma0351. Dieser Artikel ist frei verfügbar unter
Guttormsen, Sissel; Langewitz, Wolf.; Schnabel, Kai (2017). „DocCom.Deutsch“ Ein videobasiertes Instrument zum Kommunikationstraining in Gesundheitsberufen. In: Jahrestagung der internationalen Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Spiritualität: Spiritual Care im Kontext Chronischer Erkrankungen und Schmerzen. Universität Zürich. 27./28.10.2017.
Guttormsen, S. (2017) Organisation und Vortrag der Veranstaltung Digitalisierung in der Lehre – eine spannende Herausforderung. 25.11.2017, UniS. Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Digitale Welt Analoge Erfahrung“ des Forums für Universität und Gesellschaft Universität Bern.
Woermann U, Weltsch L, Kunz A, Stricker D, Guttormsen S: Attitude towards and Readiness for Interprofessional Education in Medical and Nursing Students of Bern. GMS J Med Educ 2016; 33(5): Doc73 (20161115)
Guttormsen, S.; Schirlo, Ch. (2016). “Gemeinsam innovative” in der medizinischen Bildung. Uniaktuell Sep 26, 2016
Guttormsen, S.; Perruchoud, A. (2016). Die neue eidgenössische Prüfung hat einen Mehrwert. Schweizerischer Ärztezeitung, SÄZ 97(4):155-156
Guttormsen, S.; Perruchoud, A. (2016). Die eidgenössische Prüfung ist keine Lehrveranstaltung. Schweizerischer Ärztezeitung, SÄZ, 97(18–19):679
Bauer, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören; Schnabel, Kai; Guttormsen, Sissel (2016). Die Interaktivierung der Keynote Beiträge bei der GMA Jahrestagung 2016: Akzeptanz der "Sandwich Keynotes" unter Speakern und Teilnehmenden. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Bern, 14.-17.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/16gma291
Berendonk C, Schirlo C, Balestra G, Bonvin R, Feller S, Huber P, Jünger E, Monti M, Schnabel K, Beyeler C, Guttormsen S, Huwendiek S. (2016). Eidgenössische Prüfung Clinical Skills: Die neue nationale klinischpraktische Schlussprüfung in Humanmedizin der Schweiz. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Bern, 14.-17.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Lörwald, Andrea Carolin; Nouns, Zineb Miriam; Hennel, Eva Kathrin; Berendonk, Christoph; Greif, Robert; Guttormsen, Sissel; Huwendiek, Sören (March 2016). How do Mini-CEX and DOPS affect the learning of medical trainees at the workplace? A grounded theory study. In: Ottawa Conference 2016. Perth. 19.-23.03.2016.
Schmitz F, Schnabel K, Göldlin A, Woermann U, Guttormsen S. (2016). Which types of web-based worked examples on breaking bad news are most suitable to foster communication skills in 4th year medical students? Results from a randomised field trial. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Bern, 14.-17.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House.
Schurter T, König B, Vichard E, Gessel Ev, Bonvin R, Maier V, Keller U, Kropf R, Beyeler C, Guttormsen S, Huwendiek S. (2016). Zentrale Erkenntnisse der Qualitätssicherung des schriftlichen Teils der Schweizer Schlussprüfung Humanmedizin nach 6 Jahren. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Bern, 14.-17.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Wagner FL, Feller S, Schmitz F, Zimmermann P, Guttormsen S, Krings R, Huwendiek S. (2016). Vergleich elektronischer Checklisten mit Papierchecklisten im Rahmen der Clinical Skills Prüfung der Eidgenössischen Prüfung Humanmedizin: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter den Prüfenden der letzten zwei Jahre. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Bern, 14.- 17.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Guttormsen, S.; Perruchoud, A. (2015). Pionierarbeit für die Abschlussprüfung Medizin. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung - SÄZ, 96(50-51), pp. 1846-1848. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum
Petko, D., Egger, N., Schmitz, F. M., Totter, A., Hermann, T., & Guttormsen, S. (2015). Coping through blogging: A review of studies on the potential benefits of weblogs for stress reduction. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 9 (2), article 5. doi: 10.5817/CP2015, 2 – 5.
Berendonk, Ch., Schirlo, Ch., Balestra, G., Bonvin, R., Feller, S., Huber, P., Jünger, E., Monti, M., Schnabel, K., Beyeler, Ch., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiek, S. (2015) The new final Clinical Skills examination in human medicine in Switzerland: Essential steps of exam development, implementation and evaluation, and central insights from the perspective of the national Working Group. GMS Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Ausbildung, Vol. 32(4), ISSN 1860-3572
Lörwald, A. C., Nouns, Z. M., Berendonk, C., Greif, R., Hennel, E. K., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiek, S. (2015). Need for Evidence: Fördern mini-CEX und DOPS als formativ-genutzte Instrumente den Lernprozess oder die Performanz? (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Leipzig. 30.09.-03.10.2015.
Weltsch, L. Woermann, U., Kunz, A., Stricker, D., Guttormsen, S. (2015) Erfassung der Haltung und Bereitschaft gegenüber ‚Interprofessional Education’ (IPE) bei Medizinstudierenden (MS) und Pflegestudierenden (PS). In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Leipzig. 30.09.- 03.10.2015.
Guttormsen, S., Daetwyler C., Schnabel, K., Langewitz, W., (2015) Presentation at workshop WS 26: Kommunizieren lernen mit eLearning und audiovisuellen Medien. DocCom.Deutsch. Eine Sammlung von (aktuell) 10+ media-rich Online-Modulen für Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Richter, C. S., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen, S. (September 2014). Standortübergreifende Standardisierung der eidgenössischen Clinical Skills Prüfung in der Schweiz: Ein Weg zum Erfolg. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung DocV242. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/14gma259
Guttormsen, S., Beyeler, C., Bonvin, R., Feller, S., Schirlo, C., Schnabel, K. P., Schurter, T., & Berendonk, C. (2013). The new licencing examination for human medicine: from concept to implementation. Swiss Med Wkly, 143(w13897), 1–10.doi:10.4414/smw.2013.13897.
Schmitz, F., Schnabel, K., Guttormsen, S. (28 November 2013). Fostering patient-centered communication skills through studying erroneous examples: An initial randomized controlled study. In: 5th GHS Symposium. Münchenwiler. 28.-29.11.2013.
Schirlo, C., Bonvin, R., Berendonk, C., Feller, S., Schurter, T., Schnabel, K., Beyeler, C., Guttormsen, S., Huwendiek, S. (2013). Die Entwicklung und Implementierung einer neuen staatlichen Schlussprüfung Humanmedizin am Beispiel Schweiz – Ergebnisse und Daten zur Prüfungsqualität der ersten 2 Kohorten sowie Überlegungen zur Qualitätssicherung und zur Weiterentwicklung der Prüfung. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Graz, Österreich. 26.- 28. Sept. 2013.10.3205/13gma296
Guttormsen Schär, S., & Zimmermann, P. G. (2012). Human-Computer Interaction challenges in the medical field. In G. Kempter & K. Weidmann (Eds.), Technik für Menschen im nächsten Jahrzehnt (pp. 27–32). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publisher.
Minder, S. P., Schmitz, F. M., & Guttormsen, S. (2012). Online formative assessment in a medical PBL curriculum. Building a didactic metadata layer. In P. Isaias, D. Ifentaler, Kinshuk, D. G. Sampson & J. M. Spector (Eds.), Towards Learning and Instruction in Web 3.0. Advances in Cognitive and Educational Psychology (pp. 35–51). New York:Springer.
Minder, S. P., Schmitz, F. M., & Guttormsen Schär, S. (2012). Blended Learning and Formative Assessments for Specialist Training and Continuing Education in Pediatric Surgery. In G. L. Kaiser (Ed.), Symptoms and Signs in Pediatric Surgery.
Minder, S. P., Notari, M., & Guttormsen Schär, S. (2012). Online Discussion Forums for Mass Events in a Medical PBL Curriculum. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education. Singapore: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Schmitz, F. M., Zimmermann, P. G., Gaunt, K., Stolze, M., & Guttormsen, S. (2011).Electronic Rating of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations: Mobile Digital Forms Beat Paper and Pencil Checklists in a Comparative Study. In A. Holzinger & K.-M. Simonic (Eds.), USAB 2011, LNCS 7058. Information Quality in eHealth. Berlin:Springerpp. 501–512.
Zimmermann, P. G., Maier, E., Reimer, U., Schmitz, F. M., & Guttormsen, S. (2011).Requirements Analysis and Interaction Design for a Web-Based Support System for Patient Self-Management. Proceedings of ISHIMR, the 15th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research. 8-9 September 2011, in Zurich, Switzerland, pp 369-377
Maier, E., Reimer, U., Guttormsen, S., Zimmermann, P.G. (2010). SEMPER: A Web-Based Support System for Patient Self-Management. Proceedings of the 23rd Bled eConference, Bled, Slowenia, June 20-23, 2010, pp 196-209.
Trachsel, S., Schaufelberger, M., Feller, S., Küng, L., Frey, P., & Guttormsen, S. (2010).Evaluation eines neuen Mentoring-Programms für Medizinstudierende in der hausärztlichen Grundversorgung: Erfahrungen von Studierenden und Lehrärzten. GMS Zeitschrift für Med. Ausbildung, 27 (3).
Minder, S., Schmitz, F., Guttormsen Schär, S. (2010). The need of full-featured Web-based formative assessment in a medical PBL-curriculum: Student's, lecturers' and theory's view. Paper in Proceedings of IADIS international conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), 15 to 17 October 2010, Romania
Gomez, P., Zimmermann, P.G., Guttormsen Schär, S., Danuser, B. (2009). Valence Lasts Longer than Arousal. Persistence of Induced Moods as Assessed by Psychophysiological Measures. Journal of Psychofysiology, vol 23(1): 7-17.
Boillat, M., Danuser, B., Guttormsen, S., Jost, M., Kuster, M., Weiss, S. (2009). Texte zur Arbeitsmedizin. Skriptum zur Vorlesung (131 Seiten), 5. überarbeitete Auflage. Produktion: IML Bern
Schmitz, F.M., Zimmermann, P.G., Guttormsen Schör, S. (2009). An initial e-learning ontology as didactic guide for teachers, developers and learners. Paper in Proceedings of IADIS international conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age(CELDA), Rome 19. - 21.11.2009
Schmitz, F.M., Zimmermann, P.G., Guttormsen Schör, S. (2009). An initial e-learning ontology: Formal description of four key concepts in the field of e-learning. Poster presented at the IADIS international conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), Rome 19. - 21.11.2009.
Guttormsen Schär, S. (2007). Mensch-Maschine Interaktion / Man-Machine Interaction. In Lexikon der Arbeitsgestaltung, Ed. K. Landau, Stuttgart: Gentner Verlag, 842-846.
Zimmermann, P., Guttormsen Schär, S. (2007). Using Virtual Reality for Training Pro-Social Behaviour. <full Paper> In G. Kempter & M. Dontschewa (Hrsg.) Tagungsband, Informieren mit Computeranimationen, U-Day, 11.05.2007, Dornbirn, AT, 110 - 118.Download
Guttormsen Schär, S., Zimmermann G.P. (2007) Investigating means to reduce cognitive load from animations. Applying differentiated measures of knowledge representation. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40,1, 64-78. Download
Guttormsen Schär, S., & Hofer, R. (2007). Computer Based Assessment (CBA): A long way to innovation. In Proceedings of CELDA, Cognition and Learning ini Digital Age. Algarve Portugal, 7 - 9 December 2007. Download
S. Guttormsen Schär (2006). Multimedia Didactics. Studies on the learning effects of dynamic visual media, based on analyses of cognitive models and learning content characteristics. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
S. Guttormsen Schär & J. Kaiser, (2006). Revising (multi-) media learning principles by applying a differentiated knowledge concept. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64, 1061-1070. Download
S. Guttormsen Schär & P. Zimmermann (2006). Investigating means to reduce cognitive load from Animations <full paper>. In Proceedings of CELDA 2006, Cognition and Learning ini Digital Age. Barcelona 8 - 10 December 2006. Download
S. Guttormsen Schär, S. Minder (2006). User-experiences in computer enhanced learning settings: Do usability and learner satisfaction come together? <full paper>.Proceedings of NordiCHI, The Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Workshop on User Experience (Eds. Law, Hvannberg & Hassenzah). Oslo, Norway, 14-18 October 2006. Download
S. Schluep, M. Bettoni & S.Guttormsen Schär (2006). Modularizatioin and Structured Markup for Learning Content in an Academic Environment. Internatioinal Journal on E-Learning, 2006, 5, (1) 35-44.
D. Bolchini, A. Inversini, L. Cantoni & S. Guttormsen Schär (2006). Teaching Usability Online: the USABLE experience, <Full paper> Proc. ED-MEDIA 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando , Florida , June 2006.
P. Zimmermann, P. Gomez, B. Danuer, S. Guttormsen Schär (2006). Extending usability: putting affect into the user-experience. <full paper>. Proceedings of NordiCHI, The Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Oslo, Norway, 14-18 October 2006.
S. Guttormsen Schär (2006). E-Learning in der Medizin. Insel Magazin, Zeitschrift für die Mitarbeitende des Inselspitals. Heft 1_Februar 2006, S. 24-25. Download
P. Gomez, P. Zimmermann, S. Guttormsen Schär, B. Danuser (2006). Physiological measures as indices of moods during human-computer interaction. Proceedings of the IEA, 16. World Congress on Ergonomics. 10.-14.07.2006, Mastricht, the Netherlands.
P. Gomez, P. Zimmermann, S. Guttormsen Schär, B. Danuser (2006). Physiological measures as indices of moods during human-computer interactions. Proceedings of the FEPS, 6. Congress of the Federation of European Psychophysiology societies. May 31- June 3, 2006, Budapest, Hungary.
Guttormsen, S. , Zuberbühler, HJ. (2005). “Evaluation a framework of theoretical hypotheses for animation learning", Special issue of Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (e&i): Technology enhanced Learning, Springer Verlag Wien / New York, 12.2005. Download
Schluep, S., Bettoni, M. & Guttormsen Schär, S. (2005). Modularization and structured markup for learning content in an academic environment. PROLEARN-iClass thematic workshop on «Learning Objects in Context», Leuven, Belgium, March 3-4.
Gomez, P., Zimmermann, P., Guttormsen Schär, S., Danuser, B. (2005). Respiratory responses associated with affective processing of film stimuli. Biological Psychology, 68 (2005) 223–235
Gomez P; Zimmermann P; Guttormsen Schär, S; Danuser B (2005). Physiological measures as indices of moods during human-computer interactions. Psychophysiology2005 ; Vol. 42 ; n° Suppl. 1 ; p. S59
Ravasio, P., Guttormsen Schär S., Krueger, H. (2004)
In Pursuit of Desktop Evolution: User Problems and Practices with Modern Desktop Systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), Vol11, No. 2, June 2004
Guttormsen Schär, S. (2004). How the technical evolution is stretching the traditional ergonomics concept: The challenge of the soft factors. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft02/2004, pp. 115-122.
Guttormsen Schär, S., Messerli, S., Schluep, S. (2004). Information categories for learning-object metadata. An empirical study on the practical validity of theoretically founded information categories. <Full paper> Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004, Lugano, Switzerland.
Arial, M., Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H., (2004). Desctop Videoconferencing in distributed CSCW; task characteristics influence social presence and satisfaction of dual display users. Spring Conference of the German Association for Ergonomy (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften GfA), March 24-26 2004, Zürich, Switzerland. pp.499-502.
Arial, M., Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H., (2004). Guidelines for distributed computer supported collaborative work; some particularities of toolsinvolvingvideo-mediated communication. Spring Conference of the German Association for Ergonomy(Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften GfA), March 24-26 2004, Zürich, Switzerland. pp.649-652.
Ravasio P., Guttormsen Schär S., Krueger H. (2004). The virtual desktop: Selected results of a user study" Arbeit + Gesundheit in effizienten Arbeitssystemen". 50th Spring Conference of the German Association for Ergonomy (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften GfA). March 24-26 2004, Zürich, Switzerland.
Schluep, S., Guttormsen Schär, S., Hitzke, C. & Danuser, B. (2004). Learning Content Management für die Ergonomie Arbeit + Gesundheit in effizienten Arbeitssystemen,Bericht zum 50. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften, March 24-26 2004, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 503-507.
Schluep, S., Ravasio, P., Guttormsen Schär, S., (2004). Werkzeuge und organisatorische Strukturen zur gemeinsame Nutzung von elektronischen Lernmaterialien Arbeit + Gesundheit in effizienten Arbeitssystemen, Bericht zum 50. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften, March 24-26 2004, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 645-648.
Arial, M., Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H., (2003). Videoconferencing and Synchronous Distributed CSCW; Does dual display affect satisfaction, efficiency and feeling of presence? GfA - XVII International Annual Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Munich, 2003.
Fjeld, M., Zuberbühler, H-J., Guttormsen Schär, S., Voorhorst, F. A., Krueger, H. (2003). Towards Guidelines for Touch Screen Design: Perception of Button Form and Extention.Proceedings of Interact 2003, INTERACT 2003 - Bringing the Bits togETHer. Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, ETH Zürich September 1-5, 2003 - Zürich, Switzerland
Khan Z., Guttormsen Schär, S. (2003). Learning Objects: the question of “to be or not to be?” Proceedings of Interact 2003, INTERACT 2003 - Bringing the Bits togETHer. Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, ETH Zürich September 1-5, 2003 - Zürich, Switzerland
Ravasio P., Schluep S., Guttormsen Schär S. (2003). Metadata in E-learning Systems: Focus on its Value for the User. Second International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education (m-ICTE2003), December 3-6 2003, Badajoz, Spain
Schluep S., Ravasio P., Guttormsen Schär S. (2003). Implementing Learning Content Management, Proceedings of Interact 2003 - INTERACT 2003 - Bringing the Bits togETHer, Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 1-5 2003 Zürich, Switzerland
Zimmermann, P., Guttormsen, S., Danuser, B., Gomez, P. (2003): Affective Computing - A rationale for measuring mood with mouse and keyboard. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), vol 9, No 4, 539-551.
Zimmermann, P., Guttormsen, S. (2003): Affective Computing - Measuring mood with mouse and keyboard. In: Proceedings of the Annual Spring Conference of the GfA(Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft), Munich, Germany, Stuttgart:Ergonomia Verlag, 77-80.
Guttormsen Schär, S., Arial, M., Zuberbühler, H-J., Krueger, H. (2002). Distributed Co-operative Design Systems: supporting Human Factors with "Communicate-It".Proceedings of IECON'02, The 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 5 to 8 2002. Download as .pdf
Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H. (2002). Designing Multimedia Presentations for the Learning Content. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002, Denver, USA, 24.06 - 29.06. 2002. Download as .pdf
Guttormsen Schär, S. & Schluep, S. (2002). New Media Guidelines: Guidelines for media-developers (Software Ergonomics, Multimedia and Computer mediated Communication & Co-operation).
Arial, M., Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H., (2002) Integration of videoconferencing technologies in Distributed Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Preliminary results from the Communicate-IT project In: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Work With Display Units - World Wide Work (WWDU 2002), Germany, May 22-25, 2002, pp197-198.
Fjeld M. , Guttormsen Schär S. , Signorello D. , Krueger H. (2002). Alternative Tools for Tangible Interaction: A Usability Evaluation. In Proceedings of IEEE and ACM International Symposium of Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2002), pp. 157-166.
Frens, J. W., Guttormsen Schär, S., Kancsar P., Krohn M. (2002). Measuring the Perceived Emotional Content of Consumer Products. CD 1: Report of Activities - Series at the University of Art and Design, Research and Development , Zürich.
Hitzke, C., Fjeld, M., Schluep, S., Guttormsen Schär, S., Danuser, B. (2002). Learning Content Production: Acquisition, Structuring, Representation, and Management.Proceedings of ICNEE, 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments, Università di Lugano, 8-11 Maggio 02
Zimmermann, P., Guttormsen Schär, S., Danuser, B., Krueger, H. (2002). Automatic recording of moods in HCI by means of mouse and keyboard. Proceedings of the WWDU, Work With Display Units, Berchtesgaden ; Germany, May 22-25, 2002.
Guttormsen Schär, S. , Haubner, P. (2001). How can computers support collaborative project oriented learning? Experience with computer-supported co-operative work (CSCW). "Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik", Heft 4/1999, Beiträge zu Studium, Wissenschaft und Beruf" . Use of Computers in Medical Education Part I: Theoretical Contributions. Ed. Christoph Daetwyler. Publication of the Austrian Association for Didactics in Higher Education. Downlad .pdf version
Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger, H. (2001). Empirical research on the Effect of Dynamic Media for Information Presentation. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop ICL2001, Interactive Computer aided Learning - Experiences and visions. Villach / Austria 26-28 September 2001. Download as .pdf
Guttormsen Schär, S., Haubner, P.J., Krueger, H. (2001). Use of videoconferencing with computer-supported co-operative work (CSCW). Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, Finnland, 25.06 - 30.06. 2001. Download as .pdf
Fjeld, M., Ironmonger, N., Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger , H. (2001): Design and Evaluation of Four AR Navigation Tools Using Scene and Viewpoint Handling. InProceedings of INTERACT 2001, Eighth IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo (JP)
Guttormsen Schär, S. , Kaiser, J., Zuberbühler, H.J., Zimmermann, P., Krueger, H. (2001). Complex information representation with multimedia. Studies on the influence of static and dynamic media types. Proceedings of Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (HCI) im 21. Jarhundert. Symposium zur Eröffnung der "OCG Aussenstelle Graz" ,16.01.2001 in Graz.
Guttormsen Schär, S. , Krueger, H. (2000). Using New Learning Technologies with Multimedia. IEEE MultiMedia Magazine, July-September 2000
Guttormsen Schär, S. , Schluep, S., Shierz, C., Krueger, H. (2000). Interaction for Computer-Aided Learning. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, Vol2, Num. 1, May
Guttormsen Schär, S., Zuberbühler, H.J., Krueger, H. (2000). A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Media Types for Process Oriented Learning Tasks. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2000, Montral Canada, 26.06 - 1.07. 2000
Frens, J.W., Guttormsen Schär, S., Kancsar, P., Krohn, M. (2000). Perceived Emotional Content. Proceedings of "International Design Forum Ulm" "Gestaltung Macht Sinn. Macht Gestaltung Sinn?" Ulm 22.9 - 24.9.2000
Frens, J.W., Guttormsen Schär, S., Kancsar, P., Krohn, M. (2000). A proposal for measuring perceived emotional content of products. Proceedings of "International Design Forum Ulm" "Gestaltung Macht Sinn. Macht Gestaltung Sinn?" Ulm 22.9 - 24.9.2000
Guttormsen Schär, S., Voorhorst, F.A. (1999). Computerunterstützte Zusammenarbeit (Computer supported co-operative work, CSCW). Hin zu wirklicher Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Arbeitssicherheit, 6, 5-9.
Guttormsen Schär, S., Krueger H. (1999). The influence of the user-interface in simulation based learning. About the how to interacto with simulations. 11. Zürcher Symposium Arbeitspsychologie. Über die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie zur Tätigkeitsgesellschaft?! 11- 13- Oktober 1999.
Guttormsen Schär, S., Kaiser, J., Krueger H. (1999). Multimedia: The effect of Picture, Voice & Text for the learning of Concepts and Principles. Proceedings of HCI International'99. 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Munic, Germany, August 22-27, 1999. Editors: H. J. Bullinger & J. Ziegler
Guttormsen Schär, S., Schierz, C., Krueger, H. (1999). The Effect of Continuous vs. Discontinuous Feedback in a Simulation Based Learning Environment. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 99. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Seattle, Washington, USA; June 19-24, 1999. Editors: B. Collins, R. Oliver
Guttormsen Schär, S. (1998). Implicit and Explicit Learning of Computerised Tasks: the Role of the User-Interface and Task Saliency. Thesis presented to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Zürich for the degree of Doctor of Philisophy.
Guttormsen Schär, S. (1998). Use of Questionnaires in the Usability Testing of Public Automats. Proceedings of the International Worlshop: Transferring Usability to the Industry. Edited by M. Sikorski, M. Rauterberg, 11-14 June 1998, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland
Guttormsen Schär, S., Schierz, C.,Stoll, F., Krueger, H. (1997). The effect of the interface on the learning style in a simulation based learning situation. International Journal of Human Computer-Interaction, 9 (3), 235-253.
Guttormsen Schär, S. (1997). The 'history' as a cognitive tool for navigation in a hypertext system. Proceeedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Advances in Human factors / Ergonomics, 21 B. Design of Computing systems: Social and Ergonomic Considerations. p 743 - 746. Editors: M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy, R.J. Koubek
Guttormsen Schär, S. (1996). The influence of the user interface on solving well- and ill-defined problems. International Journal of Human computer studies; 44, 1-18.
Guttormsen Schär, S. Schierz,C., Krueger, H. (1996). A comparison of learningn performance when using a command based an direct manipulation interface. Proceedings of the XI th Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference '96.
Guttormsen Schär, S., Schierz, C. (1996). Frauen und simulationsbasiertes Lernen: ein Beispiel. Proceedings of "Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Prävention und Gesundheitswesen. Frau und Gesundheit: Modethema oder Nacholbedarf?" 13 - 14.06 Basel,1996.
Guttormsen Schär,S., Schierz, C. (1996). Der Einfluss der Benutzerschnittstelle im simulationsbasierten Lernen. Proceedings of "Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft. 42 Arbeitswissenschaftlicher Kongress Innovative Strukturen im Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbereich." 28.02 - 1. 03.1996.
Studiengang CAS Spiritual Care, University of Zürich
Guttormsen, S; Brehm. B.
Assessment, Kommunikation und Dokumentation. Day course at 11. January 2020.
Studiengang des CAS Interprofessionelle spezialisierte Palliative Care, Universität Bern:
Guttormsen S., Schnabel. K.
Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Lehre im Gesundheitswesen. Workshop at 28. Juni 2019.
University of Bern, Medical Faculty, IML: MAS Master of Medical Education
MME: Fundamentals of learning, 2008 –
MME: Blended Learning, 2008 –
University of Bern, Medical Faculty
ISPM: Arbeitsmedizin / Occupational Medicine, 2006 – 2012
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
D-MTEC: “Design und Evaluation interaktiver Systeme”, 2009 – 2013
D-MTEC: “Grundlagen der Usability Evaluation”, 2005 – 2009
D-ITET: “Design Interaktiver Systeme”, 2002 – 2005
D-MTEC: “e-work”: Distributed team based learning” (ETH and TU-Karlsruhe), 1997 – 2005
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste / Zurich University of the Arts
ZHDK: Angewandte Forschungsmethode, 1999 – 2003